what’s new!

we’ve been busy gearing up for our first show at Marburger Farms Antique Show in Round Top, Texas!  we will be inside tent “g”… dates are Tuesday, October 1st thru Saturday, October 5th.

we are feeling truly proud of this body of work.  hope you enjoy our new collection as much as we do!

all available at http://revelationdecor.com/

follow us on facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/REVELationDECOR


art & soul,

allie & ben

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feeling grateful!

This October will be a year since we decided to take our wares on the road. We knew things wouldn’t be always easy… we knew things would get tough. And, we knew we were going to have the time of our lives…. We’ve gone thru all these emotions in the last year, easily. We have had some absolute high moments and low moments that clouded our dreams. High moments consist of finishing out pieces and feeling pumped and excited with the way they turned out, making a sale, and/or receiving an email proclaiming love for what we do!               I can remember sitting at my desk at a firm in San Antonio, wishing I was creating art and designing with Ben. Looking back, I believe my desire was so strong that it manifested itself. And, here we are working together, hand in hand.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I’ve realized that your thoughts, however wonderful or gloomy, make you who you are. If we convert our negative thoughts into positive ones and are truly thankful for what we have, then positive people, experiences, and things will come our way. I’m blogging today not just to come clean, but to empower and give hope to those who may be in a rut creatively, professionally, or mentally… heck, at times, we’ve been in all three. We believe God is faithful to His word!                                                                                                                                                      “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7: 7-8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I’m asking for peace, love, and patience! That peace be in my heart and mind daily. That I love and show gratitude for all the things we have. And, that I demonstrate patience in exploring this dream.

So, we’ve taken an oath to refrain from negative thoughts and to stir clear of doubt. And, focus on uplifting thoughts and actions! Praise GOD!

Our world would be so much better if we focused on the good, the happy, and the blessed!  You only live once?  False.  You live everyday.  So make it great!

art & soul,

Allie & Ben


Atlast, Marburger!

Ben & I are gearing up for our debut show at Marburger Farm Antique Show.  This show is very special to us… attending this show as a patron last fall started it all.     After taking several day trips to Round Top, Texas, during the acclaimed Texas Antique Fair, we knew right away that we wanted to try this lifestyle… a lifestyle of working hard on our wares and traveling to shows where our art, furniture, and accessories could be seen by the masses.  So, very quickly, we got our game plan together… which included selling our home and most of our belongings to embark on this new chapter… This fall marks one year since we made the decision to really give our talents and our dream a go!  It’s gone by fast, but we remain focused as ever on creating our brand and living out our dream.                                                                 We were accepted into the Artisan Tent at Marbuger Farm… meaning we can bring our new creations, our art furniture and our original art.  We feel beyond excited and down right stoked about it!  Please make plans to be at Marburger Farm Antique Show this fall.  Dates are October 1st– October 5th.  It is an amazing experience all should have!  And, you might just happen to run into a celebrity or two, so we hear!    for details about Marburger Farm Antique Show visit their website at     http://www.roundtop-marburger.com                                                                                        art and soul,                                                                                                                           xa                                                                                                                                            

retail vs wholesale

That is the question?

 For us, the last year has been a crazy ride…. A year ago our lives were pretty ordinary, really.  Ben worked full-time, I was knee deep into having our gallery in New Braunfels, we had a home!  Well, that’s changed now… for the better, of course!  We’ve sacrificed so much to get to where we are.  We sold our home and uprooted our dogs for Pete’s sake… lol!  We’ve worked hard trying to brand our business and create a unique and inspiring aesthetic.  We feel we are headed somewhere great!  Lord willing!

We have a storage unit full of finished pieces!  Awesome finished pieces!  In fact, we have enough products to fill a shop and we keep producing… What to do!  Our dream is to have a really cool hip wine bar/art gallery somewhere, but the overhead and finding the right location is daunting.

We have tossed the idea around about finding representation, you know consignment somewhere or selling wholesale .  But, then we hestitate.  Here’s our reasoning… please feel free to tell us that we are crazy or if you have any ideas at info@revelationdecor.com

  1. Losing our brand and identity
  2. Someone else watering down our unique aesthetic
  3. Giving the majority of our profit away

we are live…!

we have just launched our new website…please go and check it ou!   http://revelationdecor.com/                                                                                                       here are some of our newest… we will be at the dallas market center next week showing our wares at “vintage home” inside market hall… this is a wholesale/to the trade market… so we are stoked!  do come and check us out!

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It’s been awhile since our last blog… so much has happened…

For those that don’t know…. 6 months ago we had a gorgeous home, a retail shop, and Ben had a full time job with benefits…  we gave it all up to pursue our furniture and art.


For the last 6 months we’ve resided in a travel trailer at my folks place… it’s beautiful here… the acreage… the horses and cows… life in the country has been amazing.

We truly believe in our product and our vision… which is to create radically charged furniture and art out of vintage finds.  Foregoing, the shabby and rustic… our pieces offer a sheen unlike you’ve never seen… or so people tell us…lol!

Our highly anticipated 1st show at Roundtop Antiques Fair was a success on many fronts… the feedback and contacts we made were astonishing.  Our sales…not so much. 

We hit up the Austin City-Wide Garage sale this past weekend… zero furniture sold… met a few inspiring folks and again had incredible feedback…

ImageImageImageImageImageThru all this… we still believe we are offering something uniquely original and more high-end then most people expect to see at a “garage sale” or an “antiques fair”

So we are pushing forward… hard, yes, but we see great reward in our hard work and dedication…

God has given us so much… our desire to create together… our health… the opportunity to pursue this… And, we are trusting in Him.

Bold or drab? That is the question…

No one has ever accused us of being drab, that’s for sure!  We dream in saturated color…everything from our palette choices to the faux finishes will knock you back a step or two.  Or three if everything in your house is tan/cream/beige.

Our work isn’t for everyone and not for the faint of heart.  But if you are interested in bringing a much welcomed pop of color into your abode…we’ve got the hook-up.  Who wants to look like every page of every mass produced home décor magazine?  Not us.  Plus, we dig things that are made in the beautiful U.S of A. 

 We’ve been dreaming of zebras, stripes, chevron, ikat and faux bois.  What are YOU dreaming of? 

 We are as excited as ants at a picnic for our upcoming shows at Roundtop and Zapp in Warrenton.   We’ll have tons of our art furniture, original wall art, and selected curated vintage accessories.  We hope you see you there, too!





Have wagon.  Will travel.


Operating, finally

Having a business can rock your world.  This can obviously be an awesome thing but at the very same moment be stressful.  I can truly understand why some folks don’t see their dream produce any fruit or worse, they are too scared to try.  Starting a business is not for the weary.  You have to be proactive when you don’t feel like it, determined when things don’t go your way, focused when your creative juices aren’t juicing, and hardcore about giving things up to hopefully get things back.  All of this is churning around you and it is so important to take a moment and embrace the joy that you feel while doing what you love.  Gotta remember that you are using the gifts that He has given and in turn, are giving the glory to Him.

We’ve worked very hard on our new studio and made it completely RAD and a haven for inspiration.  What started out as a quick-fix studio, with the help of my brosef, has become a place to organize, get inspired, and design! 
There is a little history to our new headquarters… About 35 years ago, my dad, C.R., Uncle Jim and Uncle Danny built it as a recording studio for their punk rock group The Vipers.  As years past and lives changed, it became more of a storage area for my Mom’s Christmas garb (think the Griswold’s). We’ve breathed new life into the walls and it’s more than I could ask for.  Thank you Mom, Dad and Joel for allowing us to use the space…  We feel honored to be able to create there.
We have started painting and it feels amazing…  to work freely and without time constraints.  Ben is now compelled to spend more time to create more artistic furniture. He’s faux-boised a cute little curvy antique table and rocked out a sunburst on a vintage record console.  Bring on the brave, free-spirited folks who are ready….  Only cool people need apply.
“The impending squint of first light”- C.R. Hebert

Tan. Cream. Taupe. Bleh.


Have you received the latest Restoration Hardware and Pottery Barn catalogs?  What is going on with color??  Looking at their palette you’d think that rice, sand, egg whites and everything else pasty and dull is where it’s at.  Me?  Not so much…well, maybe my tan is lacking this time of year but in my heart of hearts I am a sun-kissed maven.  Spray tan of course.

I crave intense, saturated color… not necessarily everywhere, but sometimes a space needs a jolt of the unexpected.  This allows for a dramatic focal point that represents the fun people that live within the walls.

I guess I believe in color… I believe it can rescue not only your space, but also your attitude.  Color can instantly make someone happy, calm, satisfied, exhilarated, even sexy.  Color can transform a space… it’s the easiest change.  But alas….most folks are resistant to change.  Why is everyone fearful of color?   Give it a try!  My sister recently gave it a go in one of her bedrooms.  She was going for a shimmery violet-grey but her hub said it looked like automobile primer.  You can’t win them all but give it the old college try!

Please, don’t let 2013 go by without experiencing a color change… Whether it’s retiring that old shade of pink lipstick for a bright tangerine one (Hello Heat Wave), or changing your bland front door from drab to turquoise fab.  Do it this year! Be bold in 2013!  You won’t regret it!

As we prepare for our first show at Zapp Hall, we are faced with tons of design and color decisions.  We have pondered the trends for 2013 and we feel that these color schemes are fresh to death:

  1. Americana Chic:  Blue, red, and creamy whites with brass accents
  2. REGENCY:  Chartreuse, purple, and bright white with silver accents
  3. Coastal Chic: turquoise/aqua, tangerine/coral, and whites
  4. Preppy: emerald green, hot pink, white, and black with gold accents
  5. Goldrush Mint: mint green, gold, black and white

At our first show, expect to see faux bois, zebra, leopard, croc, vertical and horizontal stripes, ikat, chevron, and faux-quilted designs in lush, saturated color painted on furniture.  You will find eclectic and one-of-a-kind lighting as well as original art done by my dad, C.R. Hebert, and of course yours truly.

Go forth and make a bold splash for 2013! 
